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Rumors hint that below a barren crag in a forlorn range of hills lies the lair of the great dread wyrm, Felmurnuzza. This dragon has mercilessly tormented, terrorized, and plundered the nearby civilized lands for hundreds of years. However, no one has seen her for many decades. Nonetheless, these kingdoms continue to pay the fell serpent tribute out of fear. Many now say that she sleeps that sleep of death — her legendary fabulous hoard unprotected and ripe for the taking. Of course, if the rumors of her death are not true, a grim death surely awaits those that seek to discover her treasures.

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DD2 Dungeons of the Dread Wyrm Dungeoneer Guild Games 1st edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragon (AD&D) module
Fire Bats by Ryan Jack Allred (artist) (artist) Dungeoneer Guild Games 1st edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragon (AD&D) module
Dragonaut - lo.jpg
PitTrap by Bradley K. McDevitt (artist)
DD2 Dungeons of the Dread Wyrm module

About the Module

DD2 Dungeons of the Dread Wyrm is a high-level role-playing module for characters levels 10 to 15. In this adventure, the adventurers will explore the deathtrap lair of an infamous red dragon to seek out her fabulous treasure hoard. Set in a wild, hilly region, the Game Master can easily place the dragon’s dungeons in any fantasy role-playing game world they prefer.



All artwork are original pieces by Bradley K. McDevitt, Ryan Jack Allred, Chet Minton, Matthew Ray, and Russ Nicholson (of the original Fiend Folio fame). Interior art pieces are done in the old-school ink style. Bradley K. McDevitt created the amazing cover art that depicts a band of brave (foolish?) adventurers being blasted by dragon fire.



  • For use with first edition rules.

  • A 32-page saddle-stitched booklet printed in black-and-white.

  • A removable, three-panel cardstock cover printed in color.

  • Three dungeon level maps printed in classic dungeon blue on the inside cover.

  • 42 numbered encounter areas, adventure background for the Game Master, scenario hook suggestions, and a rumors table.

  • Four new monsters: infernal dragon, dragonaut, skeletal dragon, and Dzeluul (Elemental Prince of Molten Fires).

  • Six new magic items.

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